YADC Class Referenceabstract

#include <yADC.h>

Inheritance diagram for YADC:
AD7689 YADXL345 YKX122

Public Member Functions

 YADC (const YSPI *const y)
virtual float acquireChannel (uint8_t channel)=0
virtual bool selftest (void)=0

Protected Member Functions

void selfTestFailed () const

Protected Attributes

const YSPI *const yspi = NULL

Detailed Description

YADC Represents the abstract ADC class can also be used as a basis for any mutli channel device that can provide the manadatory acquireChannel and selftest methods

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

YADC::YADC ( const YSPI *const  y)

Represents the abstract ADC class

Member Function Documentation

virtual float YADC::acquireChannel ( uint8_t  channel)
pure virtual

Implemented in AD7689, YKX122, and YADXL345.

virtual bool YADC::selftest ( void  )
pure virtual

Implemented in AD7689, YKX122, and YADXL345.

void YADC::selfTestFailed ( ) const

Field Documentation

const YSPI* const YADC::yspi = NULL

Points to YMSPI instance to be used in all SPI comms.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: